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Wi-Fi with Techion WLS 150 WLAN USB Stick + driver

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EFI - General remarks, Kernel, efibootmgr, Grub2

32-bit with 64-bit system

The 64-bit version of Plop Linux is able to compile and run 32-bit programs. When you want to run more complex 32-bit programs like wine (ex. with Teamviewer), then you should add the 32-bit libraries from the 32-bit version of Plop Linux.

You need root permissions to do the following steps.

• Create the 32-bit library directories. Run mkdir -p /opt/32bit/{usr,opt}

• Download the 32-bit version of Plop Linux ploplinux-desktop-$ver-i486.tar.gz and extract it.

• Change into the ploplinux-desktop-24.2-i486/ directory.

• Move the directory lib to /opt/32bit/lib

• Move the directory usr/lib to /opt/32bit/usr/lib

• Move the directory opt/lib to /opt/32bit/opt/lib

• You can remove the ploplinux-desktop-24.2-i486/ directory.

• Add to the file /etc/ld.so.conf the lines


Run ldconfig


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Wi-Fi with Techion WLS 150 WLAN USB Stick + driver

Table of Contents

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EFI - General remarks, Kernel, efibootmgr, Grub2

© 2024 by Elmar Hanlhofer